When people hear SEO they often freeze up and immediately think it’s a tech thing they’ll never understand. But really it’s a combination of content and social promotion with some link building and checking off all the little things like title tags and meta descriptions. All those things add up to create an online presence. I think it’s important to note that this infographic focuses on G+ as a ranking factor. Google’s social media platform might not be the coolest, but you can’t forget about it because of the ranking factor.
Google’s algorithm is more sophisticated than ever, and its secrets have been the focus of thousands of hours of research and testing. After all, if you understand how Google determines the rankings of its search results, you can influence the way your own content ranks, gaining a significant advantage over your competitors.
Two recent correlation studies have garnered particular interest and respect; one is from Moz, and the other is from SearchMetrics. Audience Bloom combined the data from both correlation studies to draw new insights, analysis, and recommendations for marketers, business owners, and webmasters looking to gain an advantage on the competition. Below is the infographic Audience Bloom created to illustrate their findings.
Via: AudienceBloom.com